She's a great woman !!!!

Mum I Love You

For all that you do.

I'll kiss you and hug you
Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play
So smile cause I love you .
You were my fairy tale princess
So much larger than life.
You were my angel and my witness
Through all my pain and strife.
At times you made me angry
Great words I would proclaim
How someday you'd be sorry.
You were the one to blame.
But when I needed comforting
You always found the time.
Your words were more soothing
Than days of childhood sublime.
Now the distance holds us apart
The boundaries have no end.
I'll hold the memories in my heart.
You're my mother, my best friend :))))

I just want to tough the sky
even if the tell I can't touch the sky
that no one can
I know I can touch that sky
I will do it someday
I am not going to pressure

I just want to touch the sky
even if the tell I can't touch the sky
that no one can
I know I can touch that sky

They took me in a plane
to show me that I can not touch the sky
I knew it was going to be bad
If I go no to the sky

They do not understand
my wish to touch the sky
A sky that change
while I am wishing to touch it

How I love to watch the clouds
Peacefully, peacefully drifting by
Silently upon the breeze
They ease across the clear blue sky.

How they build and roll and tumble
Just like angels out to play
Dancing with the sylphs and fairies
Head o'er heels along the way.

Each new shape is quite amusing:
Puffs to great majestic towers
Building for their loving gift
To bless the earth with vital showers

Me :D

I remember,making this blog as a part of my media studies coursework....thought it was about time I would fix it up....

I have a lot of things to say...the only way to express myself and make my point would be via this blog....feel free too read :)))

About me well...I'm a 19 year old, female who lives in London....I'm half Tunisian and Half Jordanian...


To find a husband who will protect me and who loves his deen as much as I do and probably even more

To go hajj one day...just the word it self makes my body shiver and my eyes watery.
