Now that everyone has chosen their own paths and different ways too a successful life's.....I am still where all of you left off....such a hard life to be has made me cry ,break down at times and know the value of others even more....Now I'm at a point where there are people that I cant even live without...but do they really know that they are really that important ???!!!

I don't think so....

Does it mean I should stop caring..? for those who don't care for me or just blast with all that's in me...Is it a matter of being SHY or afraid and (scared) !!!

I have always been a straight forward and an honest 19 year old...why can't I just say what I'm feeling so that I can relax and life a normal life like any other teenager....


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Me :D

I remember,making this blog as a part of my media studies coursework....thought it was about time I would fix it up....

I have a lot of things to say...the only way to express myself and make my point would be via this blog....feel free too read :)))

About me well...I'm a 19 year old, female who lives in London....I'm half Tunisian and Half Jordanian...


To find a husband who will protect me and who loves his deen as much as I do and probably even more

To go hajj one day...just the word it self makes my body shiver and my eyes watery.
