The Silent Sea

“Shades of green and aqua blue
The sea painted a thousand hues
Beneath thundering ocean wave
Out of the reach of mariners graves
A living testimony swims in majesty
once the rulers of the sea
A whale song rings from beneath the ocean
A song of praise and true devotion
To the God of creation and of the sea
A sea being robbed by cruel thieves
The whale song drifts silently away
The hands of man have silenced their praise
As God looks down in his majesty
As tears trickle down on the silent sea. "


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Me :D

I remember,making this blog as a part of my media studies coursework....thought it was about time I would fix it up....

I have a lot of things to say...the only way to express myself and make my point would be via this blog....feel free too read :)))

About me well...I'm a 19 year old, female who lives in London....I'm half Tunisian and Half Jordanian...


To find a husband who will protect me and who loves his deen as much as I do and probably even more

To go hajj one day...just the word it self makes my body shiver and my eyes watery.
