Now that everyone has chosen their own paths and different ways too a successful life's.....I am still where all of you left off....such a hard life to be has made me cry ,break down at times and know the value of others even more....Now I'm at a point where there are people that I cant even live without...but do they really know that they are really that important ???!!!

I don't think so....

Does it mean I should stop caring..? for those who don't care for me or just blast with all that's in me...Is it a matter of being SHY or afraid and (scared) !!!

I have always been a straight forward and an honest 19 year old...why can't I just say what I'm feeling so that I can relax and life a normal life like any other teenager....

She's a great woman !!!!

Mum I Love You

For all that you do.

I'll kiss you and hug you
Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play
So smile cause I love you .
You were my fairy tale princess
So much larger than life.
You were my angel and my witness
Through all my pain and strife.
At times you made me angry
Great words I would proclaim
How someday you'd be sorry.
You were the one to blame.
But when I needed comforting
You always found the time.
Your words were more soothing
Than days of childhood sublime.
Now the distance holds us apart
The boundaries have no end.
I'll hold the memories in my heart.
You're my mother, my best friend :))))

I just want to tough the sky
even if the tell I can't touch the sky
that no one can
I know I can touch that sky
I will do it someday
I am not going to pressure

I just want to touch the sky
even if the tell I can't touch the sky
that no one can
I know I can touch that sky

They took me in a plane
to show me that I can not touch the sky
I knew it was going to be bad
If I go no to the sky

They do not understand
my wish to touch the sky
A sky that change
while I am wishing to touch it

How I love to watch the clouds
Peacefully, peacefully drifting by
Silently upon the breeze
They ease across the clear blue sky.

How they build and roll and tumble
Just like angels out to play
Dancing with the sylphs and fairies
Head o'er heels along the way.

Each new shape is quite amusing:
Puffs to great majestic towers
Building for their loving gift
To bless the earth with vital showers

More and more I have noticed.
There is something not quite right inside me.
It is quite subtle.
It has to do with my feelings.

For many feelings there is no problem.
Simple anger, frustration or joy.
I feel them just fine.

But feelings about other people
Don't work quite right.
I don't think I let myself feel
My true feelings about other people.

I am afraid to know what I am feeling
About other people.

IIf you play around with the layers of meaning in the word Classified, you come up with several permutations: Classical, a reference to the ongoing are-they-aren’t-they debate concerningbond’s musical style; Classic as in first-class or excellent, a reference to their academic and musical abilities; Classy as in superior and stylish; and then there’s the hush-hush meaning of Classified, alluding to a certain suave and sexy spy of renown.

Bond have played a much larger role in the arrangements and compositions on Classified, having written over a third of the album themselves. They worked alongside Orion, led by producer and DJ Youth (who also worked on their debut album BORN), and successful club DJ and producer Ed Leal, with help on the arrangements by the hugely talented Matt Dunkley.

As bond mature and gain confidence in their identity and musicianship, it becomes clearer they have hit on a nerve and a need globally for music that is both uplifting and transporting. They have proven they had the courage and foresight to stretch the creative boundaries.

The bond bandwagon continues into 2004 with the release of Classifiedand
a worldwide concert tour which will take the girls to Europe, South America,North America and Asia.

National Tunisian anthem translated in English:

O defenders of the Nation, hasten to the meeting of glory!

We are ready to die, if it is necessary, die so that our country will live!

This our blood in our veins urges us.

There is nobody in our country who refuses to be in the ranks of its soldiers!

We are bound together by our oath of fidelity.

We will live on her soil in dignity

or we will die, for her, in glory.

Be master of your destiny, o my country, and be happy!

Because it is not worth to live without being master of your sovereignty

My boiling blood and all the wealth I possess,

I am ready to sacrifice it for my country and my people.

Glory to you, Tunisia! Greatness of your people, remain forever proud!

Look at your children launching out, such as lions,

In assault on the enemy on the day of the battle

Our heritage, among the nations, is the strength of our arms,

the arms as hard as the rock of these imposing buildings

And which hold high the banner of the country.

This banner makes us proud, and it is proud to be carried by us.

Arms that bring us towards the highest tops

Of glory and greatness

And which guarantee the realisation of our ambitions

Which will bring misfortune to the enemies of our Fatherland

But who are peaceful with all those who want peace.

When the people wants to live, destiny must surely respond

Darkness will disappear, chains will certainly break!

My cousins and I are like best friends
It's fun when we laugh and have fun
I'm so glad when I see them
I wish that they lived in London
My cousins are just like my sisters and they can be my best friends at times even in till now I still don't know the real definition of BEST FRIEND :(((
I know that you'd agree !!!!!
I'm so glad that they're part of the family.

OK :) well this is my favourite place I have always loved this place and always will do. This beautiful place is located in TUNIS LA MARSA/GAMMARTH .

It’s like its heaven on earth so quite the best time to go there is either late at night, sun raise, sun set. WHAT AN AMAZING VUE!!!!.I would go to this place every time I go to Tunisia. All the stress that I have from life and the stress of education homework/coursework just everything any problems would take me there .I feel that the sea is the only thing that I can trust because you can’t really trust people now days at least the sea wouldn't expose what you have in mind and anything that is secretive whatever you say stays there it’s like throwing a bag in the sea that's what seems to happening with me if I have anything any problems I pray and I think and seeing the natural opens up your mind and makes you think of things that you never thought of in your whole entire life .After spending a few hours there I seem to be relieved from all the stress that I had and that's a good thing .The sea is my friend, Nature seems to be my best friend I know I might sound sad but I am unable to trust no one else at the moment because I am going through allot LLL

The only song that can put me to sleep so relaxing and very beautiful I can’t sleep without listing to it JJJ the fist thing I do is I listen to this song every morning it’s like a morning prayer to me if I don’t listen to it I would be in a bad mood and unable concentrate.when I hear it I feel like I am in a different world maybe this is why I like it because I always run away from my life I don’t like it I hate it nothing seems to be OK !!! but when I hear “ secret love” I become happy J but at the same time it makes me so sentimental.

The Silent Sea

“Shades of green and aqua blue
The sea painted a thousand hues
Beneath thundering ocean wave
Out of the reach of mariners graves
A living testimony swims in majesty
once the rulers of the sea
A whale song rings from beneath the ocean
A song of praise and true devotion
To the God of creation and of the sea
A sea being robbed by cruel thieves
The whale song drifts silently away
The hands of man have silenced their praise
As God looks down in his majesty
As tears trickle down on the silent sea. "

The celebration of a person's birthday is a life affirming event. When you celebrate your birthday you are making a statement that your life is significant and meaningful. You are saying, my life is worth living and therefore I am celebrating that I am alive for another year. It is a time to get together with friends and family and celebrate the life that you are living. Birthdays may also be a time of melancholy reflection if we are not happy with our current station in life. For this reason it is good to have family and friends close to you to let you know how special you are.

France my home town is located in the modern European and is one of the world's major and exciting places France has a population of slightly over 60 million, approximately equal to that of the United Kingdom; but in terms of surface area, France is twice the size of the UK. The capital and the nation's largest city is in Paris. I love going to France but some times i feel like this is not my country i don't even know why in till this very day and this very minute and second :/ :/

In this place there are not very many things to do in Sidi Bou Said; the beach is FULL OF crammed YOUNG BOYS, making a swim for a woman here virtually impossible. The marina is quite good, and walking around you passes a couple of yachts big as houses. The stairs going down from the mountain where the village itself lies, goes through green and luscious vegetation, but is sadly destroyed by litter. The best thing to do here, though, is relaxing in one of the nice cafés but there too expensive. P: P

La Marsa is the most beautiful place on earth to me; it’s located in Africa and is the most northern one of the sea side suburbs of Tunisia, and is totally dominated by Tunisians. La Marsa is the number one place for the higher middle class, when they go for a chic summer address. The reason for this is easy to understand when you're down on the beach, looking up at all the nice white houses that lie among the green trees of the soft ridge running parallel to the wide beach.

Me :D

I remember,making this blog as a part of my media studies coursework....thought it was about time I would fix it up....

I have a lot of things to say...the only way to express myself and make my point would be via this blog....feel free too read :)))

About me well...I'm a 19 year old, female who lives in London....I'm half Tunisian and Half Jordanian...


To find a husband who will protect me and who loves his deen as much as I do and probably even more

To go hajj one day...just the word it self makes my body shiver and my eyes watery.
